I don’t even know why I was surprised because on Saturday I had gone on the SF Gay Parade website (to mentally prepare myself for any potential foolery in the days ahead)and had seen the following requirement for entry: “Your float should openly display something showing yourself off, displaying your ideals, recognizing your friends or thrashing your enemies. All done with a sense of artistic flair in public view.”Lol!!!! LETS GO DIA!!!!
So, I left my books in Berkeley and went to witness the magic in F’risco because….well, I have never been one to shy away from foolywang material and number 2. Because,*ahem*...One of the major tenets on which this blog was founded, is the efficient and effective documentation & emanation of foolishness for the curious minds of generations yet unborn.....…(Don’t ever say mama never gave the world nothing!!!lol!)
So with pictures and running commentary, heres San Francisco at its finest hour……
The first person I saw upon my triumphant arrival at the Parade.....*say it with me now* "Epic.Fail."
Uhhhm, I kind of need to know WHY you are standing in the middle of our streets topless, discussing maps, directions and other banalities like you cant feel the breeze on your skin!?...and yes, the female partner is in her undergarments....and why do lesbians cut their hair?!pretty useless to me as a statement of rebellion*shrugs*...my friend was seriously vexed, only the ugliest of women were busy making their clothes absent and and showing boobs...hmmm, i wonder why?!
This queen was a joker. Waving her fan in front of her face whilst gulping down cold beer...such a dainty Hemale.
This woman was a most audacious human being, sitting in the grass naked as you please, side-eyeing the people walking past fully clothed like WE were the ones doing something as offensive as exposing breasts that have lost the battle with gravity.*hisss*
I didnt see Solange, but Carrie Bradshaw a.k.a Buttercup, made an appearance spewing all kinds of feeeevvvaaahhhh baby!!*snap for the kids two times*
This queen saw my camera and immediately proceeded to give the pose I refer to as the 'BOW IN THE PRESENCE OF GREATNESS'....reason #34,122 I love Kanye West, the Kany'isms he provides are appropriate for any and every diva-dust certified moment.
I know people don't normally believe my tales of manly men with feminine gaits and micro minis. So heres one. With a pink-tinged umbrella and a ra-ra skirt. Make of that what you will.
Obama wasnt left out of the festivities...look closely at diva's custom-made dress, it says OBAMA 08...I was actually afraid when I was taking a picture because this Goliath(stilettos plus a 6'4 frame is NOT it!!)saw me and gave a look that CLEARLY said "sigh, why you gon make me slap a chick today?!? And i JUST did my nails too"....but i HAD to....all the while thinking I might lose teeth today!:-)
I know your eyes may be transfixed on the hairy diva that could, BUT i want you to cast your gaze on the hemale appropriately standing 'To The Left(to the left)'....now, begin to CURSE Beyonce in any language known to you!!!!See what she has done to the world with that foolish love of spandex high-legged swimsuits!
Fatal Error's daddy.
In another post, I refered to the *Girl don’t make me take this to a “hold my earrings” moment, you better stop staring at my man* side-eye. THIS is what it looks like. Also notice the skirt sweetly grazing his knee.
It was a really crazy day*smiles*. The whole day reminded me of an article I recently read about people killing gay men in Jamaica for being gay and large groups of men raping lesbians to‘reform them’. All in the name of saving them from themselves or from hell or something.*blank stare* Er, just how jobless are you exactly? So you cant find ANY work whatsoever to do on this earth that you must go and begin to do God's work for Him?! Some people have really crowned themselves Earth-based Representatives of the Heavenly Hosts, Angel Gabriel, Winged Horses & Cherubim! I'm christian myself and I've read what the Bible says about homosexuality but to be honest I dont fully understand the lifestyle so I cant really judge. And I'm all for keeping God's commandments but killing someone for homosexuality is really taking things too far in my humble opinion.
I mean maybe people can stop deciding just who will cross the Pearly Gates and let God be God by Himself. The way I see it, a God that can sit down in heaven and send small irritations to frustrate a whole nation until they give him what he wants doesn’t really need any human's help to do what He wants to do. (Seriously though, have you ever considered just how funny the 10 plagues are?!?!... Like instead of just killing the whole nation and saving the Isrealites or something, He just annoyed the Egyptians to submission, sending frogs, boils, flies, turned drinking water to blood…just imagine the frustrations of a typical Egyptian housewives like “…Na wa oh! Wetin we go see this morning!?! Yesterday as we dey chop, I pour water e look like wine! Today I wash clot hang, sun no come from morning to night! Na pack I go pack comot for dis kine badbelle country oh!”…lol!...THAT right there is the reason Pharaoh softened, an angry housewife!)
So somehow, this same God wiped out whole nations, made experienced soldiers believe they were seeing chariots of fire instead of four lepers AND allegedly took someone to STRAIGHT to heaven, without tasting death first….. and some christians still really think that they are qualified to decide who will burn in the sulphur-ridden fires of hell because they are gay or otherwise. Who born you??!? I mean think about it, if Jesus said the most important commandment is Love when He could have easily said “observe Peace brethren” or “Be perpetually kind” or the Christian fave “Righteous living” who is anyone to say otherwise?!?So our own duty as christians is to love, fullstop. God is the judge. I don’t know much about the gay lifestyle, although yesterdays experience really put a human face to it and gave me a little more insight, but somehow killing people for being gay seems really unfair to me and reminded me of this quote:
"As with the christian religion, the worst adverisement for socialism is its adherents"-George Orwell(another of my fave authors)
*Steps off soap box and goes back to study*